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Synchro & Resolver Products

Synchros and resolvers are electromechanical devices used to measure and transmit angular position information.

SeriesPart No.DecriptionAvailabilityDatasheet
BBG-SSC-XXXXX-1GBBG-SSC-XXXXX-1GThe BBG-SSC-XXXXX-1G (SSC) is a stand-alone system, which provides interfacing between an Ethernet interface and a dual channel Synchro interface. The SSC performs data format conversion of multicast Ethernet data into Synchro signals. The SSC was tested to and passed MIL-DIL-901E, MIL-STD-167-1A, MIL-STD-461G, and MIL-DTL-901E. Supports custom message formats including NMEA-0183 and NAVSSI OD19 messaging.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Data Acquisition PCABBG-7XXX-PCAThe BBG-7XXX-PCA is a standalone PCB module with an embedded NMEA processor, up to four synchro receive channels, and two synchro transmitters. The NMEA processor can be configured in the field to generate arbitrary sentences in real time over serial and ethernet.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Signal ConverterBBG-SSCThe BBG-SSC is a stand-alone network interface system that converts Ethernet data to a synchro output.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Interface UnitBBG-SIU-GC184-MOD1The BBG-SIU-GC184 MOD1 is a stand-alone system, which provides data format conversion of serial or synchro data into low power synchro data. The SIU is factory configurable for low power synchro data, high power synchro data, or both depending on customer requirements.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Distribution UnitBBG-SDU-GDMS1The BBG-SDU-GDMS1 is a standalone system designed for serial-to-synchro data conversion and serial data distribution. Factory-configured to customer specifications, the SDU ensures seamless integration and easy field installation.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Interface UnitBBG-SIU-OSI4The BBG-SIU-OSI4 is a stand-alone system, which provides data format conversion of serial data into synchro signals. The SIU is a 3U 19-inch rack mountable unit.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Signal Conversion SystemBBG-SSCSThe Synchro Signal Conversion System (SSCS) is a stand-alone system, which provides amplification of low power synchro signals into 125VA synchro signals. The SSCS provides four channels of synchro conversion.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Booster AmpBBG-SBA2Synchro Booster Amplifier (SBA) is a stand-alone system, which provides amplification of synchro signals. The SBA series of amplifiers are designed to be conduction cooled by mounting directly to the chassis.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Serial to Synchro/Resolver Booster AmplifiersBBG-SSBAThe BBG-SSBA converts angular information from a serial channel input into a 25 VA or 125 VA synchro output.  The 6U VMEBus format contains an onboard processor for standalone operation.  The BBG-SSBA products are based on a 6U VMEbus format pc card which only takes power from the VMEbus. The BBG-SSBA standard message format uses the NMEA 0183 message structures and supports RS-232, RS-422 and most other serial standards.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Input
Synchro Interface UnitBBG-SIU-SRC2The BBG-SIU-SRC2 Synchro Interface Unit (SIU) is a standalone system that amplifies three synchro input channels into four medium-power synchro outputs.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Legacy Products
Serial to Synchro ConverterBBG-RSSSStand-alone system which provides convertions of serial signals into high power (125VA Max.) synchro signals. Provides two redundant channels (four total) of serial to synchro conversion.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
6-channel Digital to Synchro/Resolver Converter CardBBG-520The BBG-520 IBM compatible PC card provides six channels of digital to synchro/resolver outputs with onboard error registers. The card provides 12 bits of digital I/O useful for data logging or digital inputs.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
3-Axis Synchro/Resolver to Serial "Smart" Converter CardBBG-1108bThe BBG-1108b IBM compatible PC card converts three channels of synchro/resolver inputs into four serial NMEA-0183 compatible outputs (Roll, Pitch, Heading). Onboard processor allows stand alone operation.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Conversion Engine Converter CardBBG-2000The BBG-2000 is a small and compact way of converting Synchro data. The unit is configurable  as a D/S or  S/D. The unit supports RS-232, RS422, RS-423, RS-485 and MIL-STD-188C interfaces. The unit can drive an LCD display. The custom messages and functionality is available upon request.The BBG-2000 is a compact solution for converting Synchro data. It can be configured as either D/S or S/D and supports RS-232, RS-422, RS-423, RS-485, and MIL-STD-188C interfaces. The unit is capable of driving an LCD display, with custom messages and functionality available upon request.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Synchro Conversion Engine ConverterBBG-2000E/OThe BBG-2000 E/O is a compact PCB designed to convert Synchro data, housed in an enclosure for added protection. The unit is configurable  as a D/S or  S/D. The unit supports RS-232, RS422, RS-423, RS-485 and MIL-STD-188C interfaces. The unit can drive an LCD display. The custom messages and functionality is available upon request.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Universal Conversion EngineBBG-2003The Universal Conversion Engine is a stand-alone unit, which provides data format conversion of digital, analog, serial, step, synchro, and resolver signals.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Analog Synchro Navigation Sources to Digital OutputBBG-ASNSDOThe Analog Synchro Navigation Sources to Digital Output (ASNSDO) is a rackmount system that provides data format conversion of analog sensor data into Navigation Sensor System Interface (NAVSSI) digital data.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
Analog/Serial to 2-Channel Synchro/Resolver "Smart" Converter CardBBG-DSC2The BBG-DSC2 IBM compatible PC card converts angular information from two analog signal inputs or one serial channel input into two synchro/resolver outputs. Onboard processor allows stand alone operation.REQUEST A QUOTEPDF_button
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